
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก 2017

week15 : Classic Ann Landers

 week15 : Classic Ann Landers  Today I learned and tested 3 weeks this is the last week of the first semester. Today I learned about Classic Ann Landers last week. Teacher responds to home exercises 2 Exercises 2 About eight short descriptions of books and fiction Books and fiction book Diana: Her True Story - Andrew Morton Image Search Results for Diana Books Aspect of Britain and USA - Christopher Garwood, Guglielmo Gardani and Edda Peris. This book deals with the history of America. Aung San Suu Kyi: The Voice of Hope - Alan Clements is about politics. Life for God: Mother Treasure Treasury- Lavonne Neff is about religion. The Church - Clive Barker is a mystery of nature. Today I tested the third. This test is difficult and has the least score. The teacher is kind and loving. This week is the last week of semester 1 and this topic. One of the stages I learned about this. - I know new vocabulary fro

week14 : Classic Ann Landers

 week14 : Classic Ann Landers  Today I learned Lander Classic Landers. Ann Landers' hundreds of readers have asked the newspaper to publicize her column. We practiced classic Ann Landers by pairing each letter with Ann Lander with the correct response.            Vigilantly, LA wrote a letter to Ann Lander, Classical; Ask her to warm the reader carefully every time a stranger is in their home. Ann 'recommends checking the lock on doors and windows whenever the work is done or not.             The problem of the Hills in Granada is that his wife was attracted to his painful colleagues when his friend said "soon" to her. He did not want to hurt him by saying that he stopped talking. "Very soon," he hoped, Ann would print his letter to let people know how much pain he had. Ann's advice for him, she said, was to play the phrase "Get Soon". Give comfort Today I learned Ann Landers Classic. I know many new vocabulary and expressions.

week13 : Read faster

 week13 : Read faster  Barriers to reading fast. How to speed up your reading. Treats with simple and interesting things. Very old and very young children learn to read in the very same way, sometimes it is possible to see three words at once without moving the eyes. Good eyes should be one or two groups ahead of your heart. Some students feel discouraged when they start reading books faster. Reading content should be interesting and not too difficult. Instructions for reading practice             There are 3 tips for reading,  They are 1, think of all 2, pay attention to the structure, paragraph 3 dictionary, slow down! Reading one word at a time is not good because it is difficult to understand the subject. It's a good idea to skip through the first step to get a general idea of ​​each topic. The title and paragraph headings will allow us to sketch the layout of the story. Sentence Title of the paragraph Providing information in English is usually the

week12 : Scanning/Extensive Reading

 week12 : Scanning/Extensive Reading  Hello everyone I learned about reading extensively. Before the teacher and the students say hello Teachers responded to homework last week and to summarize the scan. Extensive reading about students who have been selected to study in Japan means those who have failed in the previous English language course and do not like learning English. After the experiment, the students in the reading class are much more effective than the students in the special classes. We can infer that most students in this study can pass this course. Reading books is fun and quite easy, enhancing reading and speaking skills overall better than reading difficult texts. With extensive reading you can improve your writing skills without having to practice writing. Reading helps to read, write and use vocabulary. It does not help your ability to speak. Reading English in English is more beneficial for TOEFL tests than ever before in an English speaking cou

week11 : Scanning

week11 : Scanning Today I learned and practiced scanning. Scanning creates the specific information we need.          The first article about the hotel's food. This article is about local and international cuisine at the hotel at Sukhumvit. The exercise of this article is that the hotel can dine international buffet with jazz. The second is Reader's Digest.      Read the book index and scan questions about it.   Oakland Travel Information Today I am happy and enjoy learning so much. Because the exercises are not too difficult.

week10 : Expat in Asia

week10 : Expat in Asia The first thing to do in the teacher's check is to name us and say hello to the students. The next teacher answers the words West meets East.        Today I studied Expat in Asia. This is a story about a man who likes to travel. Before we learn this, the teacher asks us questions. "If found foreigners living in our country" and answer that question. Foreigners in Asia His name is Michelle. He is in taiwan He chose to come to Taiwan because some friends recommended him. He enjoyed his life here, and he felt like it was his new home, and his greatest strength in Taiwan was the hardworking man. Michelle is married He is optimistic about Taiwan's future. He values leisure time. See you next week

week9 : West meets East

week9 : West meets East Today I met a new teacher. I learned that West meets East. The teacher told us to practice reading 1 and 2. West meets East is a story about Asian-American culture, food products, movies, TV shows, celebrities from Asia's successful West. Some TV commercials in the United States are influenced by Asian culture. There are many Asian products that are popular with American children. Americans of Asian descent are pleased that Asian culture is popular in the United States. Americans of Asian-American descent have a share of more than 10% in the United States. Then come back to meet again.

week8 : Midterm

week8 : Midterm   Finally came to the central examination. Reading strategies are very difficult for me. But I will concentrate as much as possible.

week7 : Fashion

week7 :  Fashion   Before you start studying, check the teacher. Name the student and say hello to us. Do I understand the operation of the 1,2,3,4 fusion? confused! That's the story of a Japanese student named Yamiko. She has all her two experiences. She wears a very sexy Kogal fashion dress 555. Teach me to revise some syntax. Syntax is S + used to + gerund.           S + used to + V 1 I practice this. My opinion about the university was decided that all female students should have long hair and male students should have a crew cut.         I think the new hair rule is a bad idea. I think they are bad because they Think of the university not having a rule that should liberate the hair. I think male students have the freedom to dress. I think the same female student student. I still think that I do not agree with that rule. Today's teachers began to deceive us because we talked loudly. The teacher described the mid-term test on

week6 : Technology/Resercher/Fashion

 week6   :  Technology/Resercher/Fashion  See you again This week I met 2 days. It is Tuesday and Friday this week. On Tuesday, September 5, 2017, today I learned about today's technology that I still have from the previous week. I share my opinions about technology, teacher answers, home technical tricks, www news, music & view, CD vs Vinyl and vocabulary listening for accurate speech. Later, teachers taught a little about fashion. Then study next week. Bye, see you

week5 : Technology

week5   :  Technology Hello everyone, I met you again. Today I learned about technology. First, the teacher gave us the technology we have found vocabulary. Share with friends We have a very different vocabulary. Then we read Profcasts this story about technology in University. University think digital technology can help students to learn. University podcasts are popular because you can download them onto MP 3 player. We did exercise of this story. Learned grammars present simple and  present progressive and  did exercise about grammars. In class I spoke to partner and answer the questions about studying . Today I found a difficult vocabulary. But I will continue to try. I'm a force to be with. see you next week

week4 : Natural Disaster

week4   :   Natural Disaster Good morning On Tuesday 22 August 2017 teacher checked name students in class and said to student about several .today teacher look to fresh. today I studied about News Story natural Disaster from to last week. Today I shared My News Natural Disasters in the group. My News About Bangkok Flood Warning.       News Story 4 Tsunami hit north-east of Japan                 Earthquake in Japan incident happen 11 March 2011 the north-east cost of Japan were affected by the earthquake 8.9 magnitude . 350 people died and about 500 were missing have been reported. Cars, ships and building were swept by the wall of water dozen of coastal communities in Japan's Miyagi and Fukushima were damage. This hard time Japan handled situation by themselves refused the aid from the US. The earthquake affected a nuclear power plant and was world's fifth largest since 1900. This news is hard for me. I have to practice a lo

week3 : Natural Disaster

week3   :   Natural Disaster On Tuesday 15 August 2017 I studied about News natural disasters. Teacher told to me wrote vocabulary about natural disaster. Talked about one type of natural disaster with my partner. State its type, place,cause,result,and my opinion.  Look at the picture of flooding in Japan After look picture Flooding in Japan I felt so sad ,pity to Japanese,they received  damage and experienced natural disaster.                   Read each news story and answer the question that follow News Story 1 Myanmar flooding affected one million.  1.2million people had been affected by flood 100 people were the death toll of this incident Cyclone Komen made the floods worse .The News Light of Myanmar received from the government. News Story 2 Typhoon Soudelor hit Chaina with deaths, floods and mudslides.  Fujian and Zhejing province were affected byTyphoon Soudelor $1bn was the cost of damage  rose to 17 people was the death toll as reported

week2 : A healthy diet

week2   :   A healt hy diet   Today I met another Teacher  N etn apa Suaysr i  . Because she came to teach instead of  D r.Usa  Noytim. She  taught  about A healthy diet:Grammar Vocaburaly and discuss again. She instructs us to plan every week for presentations. Then she taught on page 109  head of story is "Westerners turn to a Japanese diet" I got a lot of new knowledge in the classroom. Reading skills It will be hard for me, but I will do my best.                 This week us finish the lesson A healthy diet and Essential Skills.                                                                 see you next week

week1 : A healthy diet

week1 :   A healt hy diet   In this course  “English Reading Strategies (1551108)”  I studied with  D r.Usa Noytim.   I’ve learned many topic. T here are A healthy diet, Natural disaster/News stories/Today’s technology/Fashion/West meets east/locating information/Extensive reading/ paragraph reading strategies.    Throughout the study in this course is learning about the strategies that useful to read in English  such as Skimming : the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get an overall impression of the content of a reading selection. Scanning : reading technique to be used when you want to find specific information quickly. In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information.                                                                       Guessing meaning from context : this means work out what it means (or have a good guess at le