week7 : Fashion

week7 : Fashion 

Before you start studying, check the teacher. Name the student and say hello to us.

Do I understand the operation of the 1,2,3,4 fusion? confused! That's the story of a Japanese student named Yamiko. She has all her two experiences. She wears a very sexy Kogal fashion dress 555.

Teach me to revise some syntax.
Syntax is S + used to + gerund.
          S + used to + V 1

I practice this.
My opinion about the university was decided that all female students should have long hair and male students should have a crew cut.
        I think the new hair rule is a bad idea. I think they are bad because they Think of the university not having a rule that should liberate the hair. I think male students have the freedom to dress. I think the same female student student. I still think that I do not agree with that rule. Today's teachers began to deceive us because we talked loudly. The teacher described the mid-term test on September 26, 2017, and after testing a midnight teacher, Usa noytim did not teach us because of retirement.

Then come meet me next week.
