week14 : Classic Ann Landers

 week14 : Classic Ann Landers 

Today I learned Lander Classic Landers.
Ann Landers' hundreds of readers have asked the newspaper to publicize her column.
We practiced classic Ann Landers by pairing each letter with Ann Lander with the correct response.
           Vigilantly, LA wrote a letter to Ann Lander, Classical; Ask her to warm the reader carefully every time a stranger is in their home. Ann 'recommends checking the lock on doors and windows whenever the work is done or not.
            The problem of the Hills in Granada is that his wife was attracted to his painful colleagues when his friend said "soon" to her. He did not want to hurt him by saying that he stopped talking. "Very soon," he hoped, Ann would print his letter to let people know how much pain he had. Ann's advice for him, she said, was to play the phrase "Get Soon". Give comfort

Today I learned Ann Landers Classic. I know many new vocabulary and expressions.
Arrested = Arrested
Burn = angry
Burn some more = make people angry
Fight (fight) = fight
Limited by = limit
Nice = very friendly, hope to benefit
Handle = deal with
Overstepping = goes beyond what is acceptable.
Gaming = to work fairly
Phony = Show true but true false
Ignore = stop yourself
Subcontracted = Pay someone else to do some of the work you want to do.
Last straw = is the last set of unpleasant events that make you feel that you can not accept a bad situation.

Trustworthy = can be trusted
